Cai Bei "Walk on Back"

$ 80 (30 min)
$ 150 (60 min)

Cai Bei “Walk on Back” is a therapy in which the therapist uses his feet to apply pressure and massage the back of the recipient. This massage involves the therapist walking on the client’s back and putting the necessary pressure on specific areas.

This therapy improves bad posture and chronic pain in the back. Ideal for people who sit or stand for a prolonged time in their daily routines, this massage reduces muscle tension and stored stress.

At Moon’s Massage Spa, we have certified professionals to perform this massage therapy and cater to our customer’s needs.

This massage helps with alignment and reduces pressure on certain body areas, such as the neck, shoulders, and lower back. It also improves circulation and posture and reduces stress.

This massage therapy is a traditional practice that originated in China.

Walking Back Massage

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Please be aware that you may be approached in our parking lot by someone who asks you if you have an appointment for a massage, and will try to get you to follow them to get the massage you have scheduled.   This person is NOT affiliated with Moon’s Massage Spa, and works for another spa nearby, and has been attempting to take our customers to their location which is nearby.  Please be sure that you come to Moon’s Massage Spa, which is upstairs on the far left side of the building. 

Thank you! Helen